Resources for managing bookings offline

The following resources can be downloaded by clicking here. These resources contain blank booking forms, rental agreements, and vehicle check reports (for all body types). 

You download these and print them out as required to be able to create new bookings, check-out or check-in existing bookings, and sign the rental agreements. You take all damage images on your phone/tablet or any other devices. 

Read on for more information. 


  1. Any bookings created before today would have sent booking confirmation emails to your customers. All these emails have your own email address copied in (in CC) so you’d have received copies of all emails sent to customers 
  2. These emails have the Subject line as -

    “(Your Company Name) - Booking Confirmation for (unique booking reference number)”
  3. These emails contain two pdf documents - Booking Confirmation and the Terms & Conditions 
  4. You can use the Booking Confirmation pdf document to confirm the booking details and any payments received when the booking was created on the system 
  5. Then you can download and print the blank Rental Agreement form from here and fill it out and receive the customer’s signature 
  6. Similarly, you can also download and print the blank Vehicle Checks for your required vehicle body type from here and complete the checks with the customer and receive their signature 
  7. Please take all damage images on your phone/tablet or any other devices 
  8. For vehicles that are coming back to you at the end of the rental, you can repeat the above step 
  9. To record any new payments received or refunded, you can use the Booking Form that can be downloaded and printed from here


  1. You can create new bookings using this Booking Form that can be downloaded from here 
  2. Please print this form and fill it out as required 


  1. Download the blank Rental Agreement form from here and print it out 
  2. Fill out as required and get the signature from your customer 


  1. Download the blank Vehicle Checks from here for your required vehicle body type and print it out 
  2. Complete the vehicle checks and fill out the printed vehicle condition report as required and get the signature from your customer 
  3. Please take all damage images on your phone/tablet or any other devices 

Kindly reach out to if you have any concerns or questions.