How to set price rules?

If you'd like to learn how do the price rules work then head over to this article -

This article explains multiple ways of setting up price rules:

A. Nested Price Rule

B. Specific Days Price Rule

C. Specific Dates Price Rule

D. Specific Times Price Rule

E. Minimum Booking Duration Days Price Rule

A. How to create a nested Price Rule?

1. Go to Pricing and then on Price Rules on the left-hand side navigation.

2. Click on the Create button. 

3. Enter the Rule Name and then choose from the dropdown if the price effect you want will increase the price or decrease it. 

4. Select business customers if this rule is just for business customer bookings. If not, leave it blank and then select the vehicle group if you want this rule to apply to only specific vehicle groups and see their details. If not, leave it blank and set the rule triggers. 

5. Scroll down the page to view all the available rule triggers. 

Choose the relevant rate type, the price effect type (Amount or Percentage) and the amount you wish to decrease or increase the pricing set in the vehicle group can be added by entering into the Amount field.

6. Use the toggle buttons to enable or disable different triggers like specific dates, times, days, and minimum booking duration for when this special price or price rule should apply.

For example, here the weekend(Friday and Saturday) between 20/10/2021 and 31/10/2021 for timings 9am until 2pm is chosen as the rule threshold. For this rule to be applicable, all the triggers have to comply i.e. the booking pickup/start date must be between the selected dates and it must fall in between the effective time period and finally it must also be a booking with pickup days Friday or Saturday. 

Thus, all the triggers which are set for a single rule must be met in order for the price rule to take effect on the base price of vehicle groups.

7. Click on the Save button to save changes.

You can create multiple price rules by clicking on the plus button on right side, outside of the card. This next rule can for example be for the same period as the one before but with a different increase in amount to the first rule. In the case of two contradicting rules, the system will pick the one that gives the cheapest offer to the customer through the price rule for the selected date, time period, etc.

That’s it, you have now successfully created a nested price rule. 

B. How to add a price rule for specific days?

1. To set up a special price rule that is applicable only for bookings with pickup on certain days of the week, go to Pricing and then click on Price Rules.

2. Click on the Create button at the top of the page. 

3. Enter a rule name and then in the Price Effect dropdown choose if you want this rule to either increase the base price or decrease the base price of your vehicle groups. 

4. Select Business Customer(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain business customers. 

Similarly, select Vehicle Group(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain vehicle groups. If you want this rule to be applicable for all customers and all vehicle groups, then leave these selection fields empty. 

5. Now, under the Set Price Rule Triggers section, first select the Rate Type to which this rule should apply, next choose the Type of change on the base price (either Amount or Percentage) and then enter the Amount to be increased or decreased on top of the base price. 

6. Next, click on the toggle for Add Pickup Day(s) to select the specific days for this rule to apply. In the selection field that appears below it, now select the days from the list. This means that the rule will be applicable for all bookings with pickup that falls on the days selected here.

7. If you’d like to add another trigger for a different day or different price, then click on the ‘+’ button and repeat steps 5-7. 

8. Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes and create the price rule. 

Example: The price rule created in the attached screenshots will behave in the following way. It will now automatically trigger when the Rental Type is selected as Daily in the booking flow and increase the price of all the vehicle groups by £20 when the pickup day of the booking is a Friday or Saturday, and if it is a Sunday then the price increase will be by £30 as you can see below. 

C. How to add a price rule for specific dates?

1. To set up a special prices that is applicable only for bookings with pickup on certain dates through the year, go to Pricing and Click on Price Rules.

2. Click on the Create button at the top of the page. 

3. Enter a rule name and then in the Price Effect dropdown choose if you want this rule to either increase the base price or decrease the base price of your vehicle groups. 

4. Select Business Customer(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain business customers. 

Similarly, select Vehicle Group(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain vehicle groups. If you want this rule to be applicable for all customers and all vehicle groups, then leave these selection fields empty.

5. Now, under the Set Price Rule Triggers section, first select the Rate Type to which this rule should apply, next choose the Type of change on the base price (either Amount or Percentage) and then enter the Amount to be increased or decreased on top of the base price. 

6. Next, click on the toggle for Add Rule Effective Dates to select the specific dates for this rule to apply. In the selection field that appears below it, now select the Rule Start Date and the Rule End Date from the respective calendars. This means that the rule will be applicable for all bookings with pickup that falls within these dates (both inclusive).

7. If you’d like to add another trigger for a different dates or different price, then click on the ‘+’ button and repeat steps 5-7. 

8. Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes and create the price rule.

Example: The price rule created in the attached screenshots will behave in the following way. It will now automatically trigger when the Rental Type is selected as Daily in the booking flow and increase the price of all the vehicle groups by £25 when the pickup date of the booking is between the dates October 1st to 10th and by £35 when the pickup date of the booking is between the dates October 11th to 15th as you can see below. 

D. How to add a price rule for specific times?

1. To set up a special price rule that is applicable only for bookings with pickup for specific time of the day, go to Pricing and then click on Price Rules. 

2. Click on the Create button at the top of the page. 

3. Enter a rule name and then in the Price Effect dropdown choose if you want this rule to either increase the base price or decrease the base price of your vehicle groups. 

4. Select Business Customer(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain business customers. 

Similarly, select Vehicle Group(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain vehicle groups. If you want this rule to be applicable for all customers and all vehicle groups, then leave these selection fields empty.

5. Now, under the Set Price Rule Triggers section, first select the Rate Type to which this rule should apply, next choose the Type of change on the base price (either Amount or Percentage) and then enter the Amount to be increased or decreased on top of the base price. 

6. Next, click on the toggle for Add Rule Effective Times to select the specific time for this rule to apply. 

In the selection field that appears below it, now select the Start Time and the End Time from the dropdown. This means that the rule will be applicable for all bookings with pickup that falls between the selected times here (both inclusive).

7. If you’d like to add another trigger for a different time or different price, then click on the ‘+’ button and repeat steps 5-7. 

8. Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes and create the price rule.

Example: The price rule created in the attached screenshots will behave in the following way. It will now automatically trigger when the Rental Type is selected as Daily in the booking flow and increase the price of all the vehicle groups by £30 when the pickup time of the booking is between 6 and 8 am, and if it is between 8 and 10 pm then the price increase will be by £40 as you can see below. 

E. How to create a price rule for minimum booking duration days? 

1. To set up a special price rule that is applicable only for bookings with minimum booking duration days, go to Pricing and then click on Price Rules. 

2. Click on the Create button at the top of the page.

3. Enter a rule name and then in the Price Effect dropdown choose if you want this rule to either increase the base price or decrease the base price of your vehicle groups. 

4. Select Business Customer(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain business customers. 

Similarly, select Vehicle Group(s) if you want this rule to be applicable only for certain vehicle groups. If you want this rule to be applicable for all customers and all vehicle groups, then leave these selection fields empty.

5. Now, under the Set Price Rule Triggers section, first select the Rate Type to which this rule should apply, next choose the Type of change on the base price (either Amount or Percentage) and then enter the Amount to be increased or decreased on top of the base price. 

6. Next, click on the toggle for Add Minimum Booking Duration to select the minimum booking duration for this rule to apply. 

In the selection field that appears below it, now enter the Minimum Booking Days and the Maximum Booking Days in the respective fields. This means that the rule will be applicable for all bookings of this vehicle group with minimum booking duration days selected here.

7. If you’d like to add another trigger for a different day or different price, then click on the ‘+’ button and repeat steps 5-7. 

8. Once done, click on the Save button to save the changes and create the price rule.

Example: The price rule created in the attached screenshots will behave in the following way. It will now automatically trigger when the Rental Type is selected as Daily in the booking flow and decrease the price of the SUV vehicle group by £5 when the minimum booking duration is between 3 and 5 days, and if it is between 6 and 10 days then the price decrease will be by £10 as you can see below.