How will Pre-Authorization of payments with Stripe for B2B2C Website bookings work?

Pre-requisite: You need to have an active Stripe account.

Step 1: Make sure you have Stripe Account ID added in the Organisation settings. 

Step 2: Whenever an end customer has created a quote on the B2B2C website, they will see two options for payment when the 'Pay & Confirm' button is clicked. 

Step 3: Here, the end customer can choose if they would like to make the full payment now (in which case they click on 'Pay full amount now' and then go on to provide their card details on the Stripe checkout to make the payment) or authorize their card now but payment is only debited/deducted on the start of the booking on the day of the rental. 

Step 4: In this case, the end customer needs to click on 'Pay on Collection' and then go on to provide their card details on the Stripe checkout to authorize their card and confirm the booking. 

Note: Amount will not be deducted, Stripe will verify the card and place a PreAuthorization of the amount for the booking only.