How to view Web app Notifications?

Step 1: The Web app Notifications are enabled by default on the system. 

Step 2: In order to view the Web app Notifications, click on the 'Bell' icon on the top-right corner of the page (next to the profile icon). 

Step 3: Once the bell icon has been clicked, you'll see the Notifications pop-up. 

Step 4: Notifications can be marked as read by clicking on the 'blue colored dot' (turning it into grey) and they can also be marked as unread by clicking on the 'grey colored dot' (turning it into blue). 

Step 5: Whenever a new notification is generated, the bell icon will show a red circle with the number of new notifications. 

Step 6: In the current Web app Notifications Version 1, notifications will be created/generated in the following scenarios: 

a. When a booking is extended 

b. When a booking is early terminated 

c. When a sundry invoice is generated automatically against damage charges added on the Operator mobile app 

d. When a sundry invoice is generated automatically against the mileage limit exceeded on a booking 

e. When a sundry invoice is generated automatically for any other charges added during vehicle check-in on the Operator mobile app 

f. When the booking is marked as closed/completed from the Operator mobile app so that the refund of the deposit can be initiated 

g. When a vehicle is requested from another branch for any Fleet Movement 

h. When a vehicle service is marked as completed 

i. When a new booking quote is received from the B2B2C website 

j. When a vehicle check-out/check-in is completed on the Operator mobile app