How to view and download DTC Alerts in the Reports section?

DTC Alerts in the Reports section Rental Operators can now view vehicle DTC alerts in the new tab called Alerts in the Reports section for any date range

Pre-requisite: You're using a tracker purchased from Coastr for tracking your fleet. 

Step 1: Go to Reports in the left-hand navigation 

Step 2: Click on the Alerts tab 

Step 3: Select one or more vehicles from the vehicle groups on the left (a green dot means the vehicle is currently in motion and a red dot means the vehicle is not)

Step 4: Select a date range for the DTC Alerts 

Step 5: You'll then see the available DTC alerts data for the vehicle below 

Step 6: This will contain the vehicle reg number, alert type, alert code, description, date & time, and the address (location) of the vehicle when this DTC alert was triggered/registered 

Step 7: If you'd like to download this data, then click on the Download button next to the date range 

Step 9: A CSV file with all the above data will be downloaded to your system which will contain all the information in detail for the selected vehicle and the date/time period