How to use Editable Email Templates feature?

Step 1: Click on "Settings" on the left-hand navigation menu. 

Step 2:  Next, click on "Email Settings". 

Step 3: Here, you'll see all the available Email Templates that you can edit along with details of the last update - like who updated a template and when was it last updated. Click on a template to open and edit it. We're going to edit the "Booking Confirmation" email template here. 

Step 4: Once you click on any email type, it will open the template where you can make the edit. Here, click anywhere on the existing text to start adding more text. 

Step 5: If you'd like to add an image then click on the 'X' icon on the right. 

Step 6: Then, click on 'Image'. 

Step 7: An image block (in blue) will be added below the text. 

Step 8: You can upload an image by clicking on the "Upload Image" button on the right. 

Step 9: You can also place an image URL in the next field. 

Step 10: You can also link the image to a URL which means when someone clicks on the image, they will be redirected to a website link. 

Step 11: Enter the URL in the Image Link field for this. 

Step 12: You can also link the image to send an email or call a phone number. Select the relevant option if you'd like to do that. 

Step 13: Once you're happy with the edits you have made to this template, click on the "SAVE CHANGES" button below. 

Step 14: This will save the changes and a new button will appear next to it which is "Reset to Default". Clicking on this button will reset the email template to its default text/state and you'll lose all the edits you have made. 

Step 15: To exit this template, click on 'Email Settings' on the left-hand navigation menu. 

Step 16: That's it. You've successfully edited the Booking Confirmation email template. The next time a booking confirmation is sent to the customer either automatically by the system or manually from the Booking Management page, the customer will receive the edited email template that you've set. If you'd like to edit any other email template then follow the same process above. 

If you face any issues or have any questions, please email We're happy to help!