How to upload the Terms and Conditions file/document?

Step 1: The terms and conditions file is added at the organisation level. Go to Settings and then click on Organisation. 

Step 2: Click on the Organisation Name to open and view the Organisation Structure. 

Step 3: Here, you'll see the 'Upload A File' button under Upload Terms and Conditions Document. Click on this button. 

Step 4: You'll be asked to select a file from your system. Select your Terms and Conditions file and it will be uploaded to the system for this organisation. 

Step 5: You'll see the file appear above the button and a green snack bar message on the top of the screen indicating the successful upload of your file. 

Step 6: Click on the 'Save' button to continue. 

Step 7: That's it, you've successfully uploaded your Terms and Conditions file. In case you'd like to upload a new one then click on the 'Upload A File' button again and follow the same process. The system will overwrite the existing file and show the new one. You can also click on the 'download cloud' icon to download and view the uploaded file.