How to start a booking with mobile app?

1. The mobile app can be used to start your booking once the booking has been created on the Coastr web app.

2. Open Coastr for Partners app and select the booking reference to start the booking.


3. You will be able to view the booking details. Select the 'START CHECKS' button to continue.


4. Perform vehicle exterior and interior damage checks and add new damage (if any) by tapping the damage area on the diagram.


5. For example, the exterior and interior damages in a vehicle have been recorded as shown in the images. Once you tap the damage area, select the tick on the upper right corner to save the damage.


7. Perform vehicle accessories check. This is done to confirm if the vehicle accessories such as tyres and tools are available in the vehicle or not. Once the vehicle accessories check is completed, select 'NEXT' to proceed.


8. Enter vehicle mileage details and select 'NEXT' to proceed.


9. Enter the name and signature and select 'SAVE'.


10. The booking checks have been completed and you will be able to see 'CHECKED' confirmation in the booking.