How to set up location-based surcharges and their taxes?

Step 1: Click on Settings on the left-hand navigation, and then click on Organisation to see all the organisations.

Step 2: Next, click on the name of the Organisation for which you'd like to add taxes.

Step 3: Click on the Service Location tab next to Branch on the top row.

Step 4: Now scroll down the page to see the Service Location List.

Step 5: Select the Service Location by checking the box next to the name for which you want to add the location-based surcharges and then click on the Update button in the top-right corner above the service location list.

Step 6: You will be able to see the details for this particular Service Location within the fields above. Here you will find the 'Add location-based surcharge' section.

Step 7: Enable the 'Add location-based surcharge' toggle. Please note that the defined location-based surcharge will be displayed as a separate line item on the Quote and Invoice for bookings made choosing this particular service location.

Step 8: Within this section, add a 'Surcharge title', add the surcharge value and select the rate type ('One time' or 'per day' charge) for the surcharge.

Step 9: To add tax on a location-based surcharge, click on the 'Add tax' checkbox.

Step 10: Here, add the 'Tax title' and the 'Tax value' in terms of percentage.

Step 11: Uncheck the 'Add tax' checkbox to remove the tax.

Step 12: You can use the '+' (plus) icon in the right corner to set up multiple location-based surcharges and the 'Bin' icon to delete the same.

Step 13: To disable the location-based surcharge, simply click and turn off the main 'Add location-based surcharge' toggle button.