How to set up location-based surcharges?

Step 1: Click on Settings on the left-hand navigation, and then click on Organisation to see all the organisations on the Car and Van Rental Software.
Step 2: Next, click on the name of the Organisation for which you'd like to add taxes.
Step 3: Click on the Service Location tab next to Branch on the top row.

Step 4: Now scroll down the page to see the Service Location List.

Step 5: Select the Service Location by checking the box next to the name for which you want to add the location-based surcharges and then click on the Update button in the top-right corner above the service location list.


Step 6: You will be able to see the details for this particular Service Location within the fields above. Here you will find the 'Add location-based surcharge' section.


Step 7: Enable the 'Add location-based surcharge' toggle. Please note that the defined location-based surcharge will be displayed as a separate line item on the Quote and Invoice for bookings made choosing this particular service location.


Step 8: Within this section, add a 'Surcharge title', add the surcharge value and select the rate type ('Percentage' or 'Fixed' charge) for the surcharge.


Step 9: To add tax on a location-based surcharge, click on the 'Add tax' checkbox. Here, add the 'Tax title' and the 'Tax value' in terms of percentage.  Uncheck the 'Add tax' checkbox to remove the tax. 


Step 10: You can use the '+' (plus) icon in the right corner to set up multiple location-based surcharges and the 'Bin' icon to delete the same.


Step 11: To disable the location-based surcharge, simply click and turn off the main 'Add location-based surcharge' toggle button. 


 If you've any questions or issues, please email We're happy to help! 

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