How to set range-based or distance-based pricing for the delivery & collection add-on and do a booking with one-way delivery/collection?

Pre-requisite: You need to have the Delivery & Collection add-on enabled or active.

Step 1: Click on "Settings" on the left-hand navigation menu. 

Step 2: Next, click on "Add Ons". 

Step 3: Next, click on the 'Delivery & Collection' add-on. It might be named 'Valet' as well. 

Step 4: This will open the Delivery & Collection add-on. Here, click on the '+' icon on the right to add a rule to set range-based or distance-based pricing. 

Step 5: This will open the 'Set Range Rules' modal on the left of the screen. Here, you can enter the miles in the 'From' and 'To' fields. 

Step 6: Next, enter the price for this distance in the 'Amount' field below. 

Step 7: Click on the 'Save' button to save your changes. 

Step 8: This is how you can set the range-based or distance-based pricing. Next, we will look at how this works when you select this add-on in the booking process and how you can do a booking with one-way delivery/collection. 

Step 9: Click on "Bookings" in the left-hand navigation menu and then start creating a booking. 

Step 10: Once you have selected a vehicle and got to the Add-ons selection page, you'll notice a new dropdown inside the Delivery & Collection add-on appear on the right. 

Step 11: Click on this dropdown to select one-way delivery or one-way collection 

Step 12: If you select the 'Delivery' option then only the Delivery Address field will appear for you to enter and select a delivery address (one-way delivery only). 

Step 13: If you select the 'Collection' option then only the Collection Address field will appear for you to enter and select a collection address (one-way collection only). 

Step 14: Here, we're going to select the 'Collection' option and do a one-way collection only. Start entering the address and select the relevant option from the suggestions that come up as you type.  

Step 15: Once you select an address, the system will automatically calculate the distance to this address from your service location selected earlier (Leith, Edinburgh in our case here - see step 9) in the first step of the booking process. If the distance is inside the range you specified in Step 5 then the 'Amount' field will auto-populate with the price that was set. As you can see here, we have selected 'Glasgow Airport' as the collection address and since this is within 100 miles of Leith, Edinburgh (our service location), the Amount field auto-populates with the £50 price which was specified in the add-on. Click on the 'Continue' button. 

Step 16: Complete the next steps and create the quote. 

Step 17: On the quote, you'll see only the Collection Address reflects the address that was selected in the Add-on earlier in Step 15. The delivery address will still be the address of the service location. 

Step 18: That's it. You've successfully set range-based or distance-based pricing for the delivery & collection add-on and also done a booking with a one-way collection. 

If you face any issues or have any questions, please email We're happy to help!