How to record an offline bank payment on an invoice?

Step 1: By default, this payment option is disabled. To enable it, go to Settings and then click on Payment and Integrations on the left-hand navigation menu. 

Step 2: Here, click on the toggle for 'Enable Offline Bank Payments'. 

Step 3: Click on the Save button to proceed. 

Step 4: Now, open any unpaid invoice. 

Step 5: Scroll down and click on the 'Add New Payment' button. 

Step 6: Click on the Payment Mode dropdown to view and select the 'Offline Bank Transfer' option. 

Step 7: Next, enter a reference number or text for this payment and review the amount. 

Step 8: Click on the Save button to proceed. 

Step 9: The offline bank payment will now be recorded on the invoice and displayed as such under Mode of Payments.