How to generate 'Consolidated Invoice'?

You have the option to create a consolidated invoice for the customer, which combines all outstanding invoices into a single document.

How to generate consolidated bills for business customers?

Step 1: - Navigate to the left-hand side and click on the billing in your car and van rental management system.


Step 2:- Under the billing section, click on the “Consolidated Invoices”


Step 3:- Click on the “Generate Consolidated Invoice” button


Step 4:- Select the business customer and select the start date and end date. The system will generate all consolidated invoices within the selected time period. for which you want to generate invoices.

Step 6:- Select the booking using the checkbox button for which you want to generate the consolidated invoice and click on the “Generate Invoice” button.


Step 7:- Once all the steps are complete, the system will generate the consolidated invoice for the specific booking.
