How to enable Credit Limit for Business Customers?

What is a credit limit?

A credit limit is the maximum amount of money you can charge on a revolving credit account such as line of credit. As you create a booking for a business customer, the amount of each invoice(use & pay bookings) is subtracted from the business customer’s credit limit. If the limit is exceeded, the system alerts you and will not let you confirm a booking for that customer unless the following is done: 

  1. Speak with the customer and increase the credit limit (OR)
  2.   Customer pays the outstanding invoices.

Step 1: To enable this for your business customers, select Customers and click on Business.

Step 2: Click on the business customer whose credit limit you wish to enable.

Step 3: Scroll down on the ‘Customer Information’ section and you'll see the 'Credit Limit' toggle. Click on the toggle to turn it on, enter a value you wish to add and then click on the Save button. 

If the limit is exceeded, the system alerts you and will not let you confirm a booking for that customer unless the following is done: 

  1. Speak with the customer and increase the credit limit (OR)
  2. Customer pays the outstanding invoices.
You should have now completed enabling credit limit for business customer successfully. 
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