How to download a CSV extract of the Invoices?

1. To download a CSV extract of the Invoices, go to Reports and then click on the Finances tab. 

2. Select the from and to dates as the range of your Invoice CSV extract. Note: The range can only be a maximum of 31 days.

3. Next, select the Sage Compatible option and click on the Download button if you’re downloading the CSV extract to import it into Sage. Note: This option will be greyed-out if you have not established the Sage connection via the Setup Sage button in the Organisation Settings. 

4. If you want to download the CSV extract to import into Xero or any other accounting software then select the Custom option. You’ll now see a dropdown appear which lists all the fields available to extract.

5. Select the fields as you require. 

6. Once, selection is done, click outside the box and then click on the Download button to download the CSV extract.