How to do a vehicle replacement or vehicle swap on an In Progress booking?

Pre-requisite: Booking must be an in-progress booking, i.e., Booking Status = IN PROGRESS.

Step 1: Click on Fleet on the left-hand navigation and go to Vehicle Scheduler. 

Step 2: Click on the booking against the vehicle registration number that you'd like to replace and then click on the 'Replace Vehicle' button on the Booking Summary pop-up. 

Step 3: Now you'll see the Vehicle Replacement window appear below. 

Step 4: Select a Replacement Reason from the dropdown. This is mandatory. 

Step 5: Next, toggle the 'Roadworthy' option based if the vehicle is roadworthy or not. If you mark the vehicle as roadworthy (toggle turned on) then this vehicle will be available for further bookings. If you mark the vehicle as not roadworthy (toggle turned off) then this vehicle will be immediately put on hold and will not be available for further bookings. 

Step 6: Next, enter a 'Description'. This is optional. 

Step 7: Next, select a date and time in the 'From Date' and 'From Time' fields respectively. This is the date and time the replacement will start. The 'To Date' and 'To Time' fields are not editable as they are the booking end date and time. 

Step 8: Next, select a vehicle group from the dropdown. The available vehicle groups will be displayed in the dropdown list. 

Step 9: Next, select a vehicle from the dropdown. All available vehicles in this vehicle group will be displayed in the dropdown list. 

Step 10: Once a vehicle is selected, the 'Confirm' button will available to be clicked. Click on the 'Confirm' button to continue. 

Step 11: A green snack bar message will appear saying 'Vehicle Replacement is successful' and then on the Vehicle Scheduler you'll see this booking against the new vehicle. 

Step 12: Now open the Coastr for Partners mobile app and log in if already not logged in. Here you'll see this booking to do the new vehicle's check-out (pick-up checks) and also the old vehicle's check-in (return checks). 

Step 13: Click on the booking under the 'Delivery & Pickup' tab to complete the new vehicle's check-out (pick-up checks). 

Step 14: Here, you'll see the Booking Summary for this booking and under Vehicle Details the Replaced Vehicle (in red) and the Active Vehicle (in green). 

Step 15: Click on the 'Start' button for the Active vehicle (in green) and complete the check-out as usual for the new vehicle. 

Step 16: Once complete, this booking will disappear from the 'Delivery & Pickup' tab. 

Step 17: Now, click on the 'Collection & Return' tab and you'll see this booking appear here for the old vehicle's check-in (return checks). 

Step 18: Click on the booking under the 'Collection & Return' tab to complete the old vehicle's check-in (return checks). 

Step 19: Here, you'll see the Booking Summary for this booking and under Vehicle Details the Replaced Vehicle (in red) and the Active Vehicle (in green). 

Step 20: Click on the 'Start' button for the Replaced vehicle (in red) and complete the check-in as usual for the old vehicle. 

Step 21: Once complete, this booking will disappear from the 'Collection & Return' tab. The mobile app can now be closed. 

Step 22: Vehicle Replacement is now done. On the Booking Management page of this booking on the web app, you'll see the vehicle details for both the new and old vehicles. 

If you click on the Rental Agreement button at the top of this Booking Management page, it will open the Rental Agreement which will also contain the Vehicle Replacement details. 

If you'd like to send the Rental Agreement to the customer via email, click on the 'Send E-mail' button to do this.