How to do a DVLA Driving Licence check?

1. Go to Customers in the left-hand navigation, click on Individual and then select a customer whose licence you want to check to see the below screen. If the customer does not exist, create a new individual customer using the Create button on the previous page.  

2. Click on ‘Verify now’ next to the Driving Licence number in the customer summary on the top. (Note: This will not appear if the Driving Licence number is not added.) On the Check Licence pop up, validate or enter the customer’s Driving Licence number, National Insurance number and Postcode. Read the consent statement carefully, click on the checkbox if you accept and then the Proceed button to continue. 

3. Once the Proceed button is clicked, it may take upto 2 minutes for the Driving Licence details to be checked. Please wait, do not refresh or close your browser window.  

4a. If the customer’s details provided are correct then you’ll see a ‘Licence Checked Successfully’ message and the Licence Summary document will be added automatically in the customer documents section below. Click on the Close button to continue.  

4b. If the customer’s details provided are incorrect then you’ll see a ‘Licence Checking Failed’ message. Please recheck if you have entered the correct details and try again. If the issue still persists then please try again after some time. Click on the Close button to continue.    

5. If the customer has any Offences and/or Points on their driving licence then these will be displayed in the Endorsement tabular column on the top-right corner. This is for a quick view to understand the Endorsements on the licence without actually opening the Licence Summary document.  

6. To view the automatically added Licence Summary document, scroll down to the Additional Documents section and click on the download icon (under Actions) for the corresponding document. The Licence Summary is stored with the same document name/title and the date it was added.  

7. The Licence Summary document will then be downloaded to your computer. You can open the document to view the full driving licence summary (including details of any Offences and/or Points if any).