How to create multiple damages from web app?

1. Go to Fleet and then Damages on the left-hand side navigation. 

2. Click on the Create button. 

3. You must enter all the mandatory damage details like Circumstance, Vehicle Registration Number, Booking Reference Number, Incident Date and Estimated Repair Date. 

Each damage needs to be associated with a Booking Reference Number. When a Registration Number is selected from the dropdown, the Booking Reference Number dropdown field will show the bookings where this particular vehicle was used.

Mark a location on the Frog Diagrams to add the damages.  

4. A ‘Mark Damage’ modal window appears, where you can enter the Title, the Damage Kind, and the Damage Detail. 

5. You can also upload images by clicking on the Add Images button. It opens the Upload Images pop-up where you can upload up to 10 images and click on the Submit button to add the images to this damage. A minimum of one image has to be uploaded. 

6. You will be able to see the Frog Diagram and where you have marked a damage. Once the damage has been added and click the Done button.

7. If you want to add an interior damage then mark a location on the interior frog diagram to again see the Mark Damage modal window. Add all the required details and then click on the Done button to save the changes. 

8. You’ll see the damages have been added in the damage table. This is the table with the damages with the uploaded car damage images and you can edit these damages by clicking on the relevant pencil icon under the Modify column. 

9. Click on the Save button to save this damage record.

10. That’s it, you're done! You have created a damage record with multiple damages.