How to create a TBA hire/booking?

TBA stands for To Be Advised and is a term used to describe bookings where the customer does not offer a booking end date but instead renews/extends the booking every month, therefore the booking end date is 'to be advised'.

Please Note: Vehicle(s) on any booking that is marked as TBA are blocked/reserved indefinitely so that no future booking can be created for this vehicle from any booking channel (web app,  website, mobile app). 

Step 1: Click on Bookings on the left-hand navigation menu and then click on the Create button in the top right corner.  

Step 2: On the New Booking flow, select the pick-up location and pick-up date & time as usual, and then select/mark the checkbox for 'Is TBA?' for creating a TBA booking. 

Step 3: You'll see the 'Drop-off Date' and 'Drop-off Time' fields automatically rename to 'Renewal Date' and 'Renewal Time' as soon as the checkbox is selected for 'Is TBA?'. The Renewal Date and Time are for the initial booking period/invoice. 

Step 4:  Click on the Search button to see the available vehicle groups and vehicles. 

Step 5: Select a vehicle as usual from the available groups. 

Step 6: Click on the Continue button and complete the rest of the booking flow as usual. 

Step 7: Once the booking is confirmed, you'll see the toggle for 'TBA Booking' on the Booking Summary in the top right corner below the Update button. 

Step 8: You can use this toggle once you're sure of the end date of the booking and close the booking as usual on the Operator mobile app on the drop-off date of the booking.