How to collect the deposit amount at the start of the booking and not via the website?

Step 1: Click on Settings and then Organisation 

Step 2: Click on your Organisation Name 

Step 3: Click on Branch on the top tab 

Step 4: Scroll all the way down to see your Branch under the Branch List 

Step 5: Select your branch by clicking on the selection box next to the Branch Name 

Step 6: Now, click on the Update button above 

Step 7: Scroll up and find the 'Deposit Collection' field which is above the Operating Hours 

Step 8: Click on the dropdown and then select 'At Booking Start' option 

Step 9: Once done, scroll down and click on the Save button to save the change to this branch 

Step 10: You're done. Now, bookings won't show the deposit amount during confirmation. The deposit can be collected by you from the Booking Management page of the booking on the web app.