How to add Holiday dates?

Step 1: Click on Settings on the left-hand navigation, and then click on Organisation to see all the organisations.

Step 2: Next, click on the name of the Organisation for which you'd like to add holiday dates. 

Step 3: Click on the Branch tab next to Organisation on the top row. 

Step 4: Now scroll down the page to see the Branch List. 

Step 5: Select the Branch by checking the box next to the name for which you want to add the Holiday dates to and then click on the Update button in the top-right corner above the branch list. 

Step 6: Now scroll up to see this branch's details. You'll see Holidays below the Booking Questions. 

Step 7: Next, click on the 'Add +' button to see the Add Holiday window. 

Step 8: Here add the Holiday Name, select the Start Date and the End Date. 

Step 9: Click on the 'Add' button to save the Holiday details entered and see this added under the Holidays section. 

Step 10: If you want to add more holidays then click on the 'Add +' button and repeat steps 7-9. Once done, click on the 'Save' button to save the Holiday dates to this branch. 

Step 11: Once you click on the 'Save' button the branch will be updated. If you want to add the holiday dates to any other branch then repeat steps 5-10. 

Step 11: We have now successfully added the Holiday dates. To verify this, go to Bookings on the left-hand navigation and then click on the 'Create' button. If you try to create a booking now, you'll see that the Holiday dates added in the Branch settings are blocked off in the pick-up date selection and drop-off date selection fields.